Monday, July 25, 2005

Sunday Soccer !!

After sitting around and complaining about being overweight and out of shape, my best friend and design partner Ty Kreft and I decided to get some friends together for a nice wholesome game of soccer. We welcomed everyone, posted bulletins on message boards and made it clear that skill was not required, just show up with two t-shirts (one white, one black) and want to have some fun. For the first two Sundays we met at Tyler park and an average of 10-12 showed up. We played 4 on 4 games on a small field we made up of cones and flags. We all got tired very, very quick! I guess we all expected it.

Yesterday we switched locations to George Rogers Clark Park and over 20 people showed up. Ty and I were both very excited about this. Had we started something big? Will newcomers enjoy themselves and spread the word? We certainly hope so! This time around we made the field bigger and used the parks lacrosse goals - maybe one day we will use an actually regulation size soccer field, but we are still way out of shape. In my opinion the lacrosse goals were a tad too small. A field hockey sized goal would be ideal, but GRC doesn't have them. Some people at the game talked about making goals out of PVC tubing that we could assemble and disassemble before and after the games - maybe it will work?

Our goal is to get to the point to where we can make shirts and eventually have two games going on at once. Ty and I are always talking about what we can do to make the games better - any and all suggestions are welcome. Talks on a legit Web site are brewing, in the meantime I threw up a message board on the Safe Media Web site (see link below).

For more up to date information, directions, locations etc head on over to the Sunday Soccer Forum.

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